Random Mountain Encounters Generator (DND 5e)

Advanced Fantasy RPG generator with GPT-3!

400+ Random Mountain Encounters

D1 Random Mountain Encounters

  1. A group of dwarves, who are experts in mining and crafting, are looking for a new location to set up their mine. They offer to pay the players handsomely if they can find a suitable spot on the mountain for them. Of course, they will have to navigate through treacherous terrain and potentially dangerous creatures to accomplish this task.

  2. A group of people are traveling across the mountains. They are headed towards the tower of Zan. They are bringing their sick family members to the monks in the tower so that they can be healed.

  3. A group of dwarves are digging a tunnel through the mountain, but they have encountered a magical barrier that is blocking their path. They may ask the players for help in breaking through the barrier.

  4. While exploring a cave, the party comes across a large, ancient dragon asleep on a pile of treasure. If they can successfully sneak past it, they can take some treasure without waking it. But if they wake it up, they will have to fight for their lives.

  5. A group of farmers are returning from a nearby town with supplies. 1

  6. An old man is walking up the mountain. He says he is looking for a dragon's lair. He is actually an insane wizard. He will attack if provoked.

  7. You stumble upon a hidden waterfall, surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants. As you approach, you see a nymph bathing in the water. Will the players confront her or respect her privacy?

  8. The party comes across a group of nomadic dragonborn traders selling all kinds of exotic goods. The dragonborns will happily trade with the party, but they also carry valuable information about the different regions they have travelled to.

  9. A group of Yetis demand a toll from the players in order to continue on the path. If they refuse, the Yetis will attack. However, if they pay the toll, they will lead the players to a hidden cave filled with treasure.

  10. A group of friendly yet mischievous fey creatures invite the players to a feast in the mountains, promising endless food and drink. However, the feast is never-ending, and the players must find a way to escape before they are trapped forever.

Generated by GPT-3 and lightly edited by a human.

Random Mountain Encounter Tables RPG Book

I have a seperate collection of unique RPG random encounter tables (and more) for fantasy tabletop RPG campaigns available now at Amazon as an ebook, softcover, or hardcover book and contains the following...

  • Random Mountain Encounters x 500
  • Adventure NPCs x 50
  • Human and Dwarf Names x 20 each
  • Dungeon and City Names x 20 each

Get it at Amazon and help support me creating more FREE RPG tools. Thanks!

About Random Mountain Encounters AI

Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with 1000's of Free D&D Random Encounters. I also run LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators and a growing library of RPG content generated by GPT-3 API from OpenAI. If you want to learn more about how I put thistogether, I've got a blog post about creating this D&D random encounter generator.

Thanks for checking out the site. I hope you find it useful!

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