D&D Random City Encounters AI

Advanced Fantasy RPG generator with GPT-3!

300+ D&D Random City Encounters

D1 Random City Encounters

  1. A fortune teller reads tarot cards for a curious passerby.

  2. A wagon is overturned sprawled out in the middle of the street. Inside the wagon are 1d6-2 dead gnolls, who had apparently been recently attacked by a giant crab (which escaped). The gnolls had been carrying crates filled with weapons (axes, swords, maces, halberds, pikes, and shields).

  3. A group of children are playing a game of hide-and-seek in an alley. If players join in, they will notice that one child is missing and is hiding in a barrel nearby.

  4. The city coliseum attracts competitors from far and wide for grand combat displays. Among the combatants, a disguised noble fights to reclaim honor unbeknownst to their family watching from the stands.

  5. A man is walking down the street, yelling about the end of the world and the rising of the dead. He is obviously delusional and should be left alone.

  6. A child wearing a too-big hat is trying to sell wildflowers to passersby.

  7. A small child approaches the group and tugs on the sleeve of one of the players. They hold out a small, hand-drawn map and say, "I can't find my way home. Can you help me?" The map is crudely drawn and leads to a dead end alleyway. If the players follow it, they will find a hidden entrance to a thieves' guild.

  8. A group of children are running around, playing a game where they are knights fighting a dragon.

  9. A group of children are playing tag in the street... One of the children is a thief who will pickpocket the players if they get too close...

  10. The party hears a commotion near the city gate and discovers a traveling bard surrounded by an angry mob. The bard is accused of singing songs that incite rebellion. The town guard looks uncertain, deciding whether to arrest the bard or disperse the crowd.

Generated by GPT-3 and lightly edited by a human.

About Random City Encounters AI

Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with 1000's of Free D&D Random Encounters. I also run LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators and a growing library of RPG content generated by GPT-3 API from OpenAI. If you want to learn more about how I put thistogether, I've got a blog post about creating this D&D random encounter generator.

Thanks for checking out the site. I hope you find it useful!

Random Encounter Tables RPG Book

I have a seperate collection of unique RPG random encounter tables (and more) for fantasy tabletop RPG campaigns available now at Amazon as an ebook, softcover, or hardcover book and contains the following...

  • Items Found In Places
  • Random Encounters
  • NPCs
  • Character, City, and Dungeon Names

Get it at Amazon and help support me creating more FREE RPG tools. Thanks!

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