D&D Random City Encounters AI

Advanced Fantasy RPG generator with GPT-3!

300+ D&D Random City Encounters

D1 Random City Encounters

  1. An eccentric inventor is showing off their latest creation - a mechanical dragon that can breathe fire. However, the dragon malfunctions and goes on a rampage through the city. The players must stop it before it causes too much destruction.

  2. A man is selling roses. They are very cheap, but they are all wilted.

  3. A group of dwarves are in the middle of setting up a festival in the city. They are offering free food and entertainment for the residents of the city.

  4. A man is walking down the street, telling jokes to anyone who will listen. He is very good at telling jokes.

  5. Zorro, the local swashbuckler and all-around hero, is practicing his lute. He is wearing a large cloak and a large hat. He is very good at what he does, but he has a secret identity and will not be revealed to the players.

  6. A gardener is tending to a small patch of vibrant flowers in front of a quaint house.

  7. You see a group of men arguing about a famous battle that took place far away from the city. One of the men is drunk.

  8. Impressively lost Amelia Thistledown, gifted urban cartographer, unfolds rooftops maps mid-dance wondrously enact structural somersaults cartoon escapades navigating traction channels amid civic hazards.

  9. A family melodrama spills onto the street as 2d6 neighbors take sides, complicating matters further with rumors and fabrications.

  10. A merchant loudly curses a broken cart. Nearby, 2d6 opportunistic thieves watch, plotting to gather goods left unattended. How shall you respond?

Generated by GPT-3 and lightly edited by a human.

About Random City Encounters AI

Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with 1000's of Free D&D Random Encounters. I also run LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators and a growing library of RPG content generated by GPT-3 API from OpenAI. If you want to learn more about how I put thistogether, I've got a blog post about creating this D&D random encounter generator.

Thanks for checking out the site. I hope you find it useful!

Random Encounter Tables RPG Book

I have a seperate collection of unique RPG random encounter tables (and more) for fantasy tabletop RPG campaigns available now at Amazon as an ebook, softcover, or hardcover book and contains the following...

  • Items Found In Places
  • Random Encounters
  • NPCs
  • Character, City, and Dungeon Names

Get it at Amazon and help support me creating more FREE RPG tools. Thanks!

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